On Thursday we left campus around 10am and took the subway to an old Sugar Refinery not too far away. In a nutshell, we saw some neat old trains which were used for manufacturing the sugar, gorgeous flowers and a ton of worker bees!
Here's some pictures from around the facility...
Please notice the bee in the picture below... [dead center on the flower]
For lunch we headed to 'Dream Mall', the biggest mall in all of Asia [fully equip with a giant ferris wheel on its roof]. I saw a stranger eating what appeared to be a box of pizza, but unfortunately had little luck finding a pizza place + settled for squid spaghetti instead.. yeah not the same...
The picture to the right is actually in the Subway! It's called "dome of the light" and is made entirely from glass. The subway here is unbelievably nice and this just makes it that much cooler...
Friday, the entire campus was closed, no food. zip. zero. zilch. Tin man took a few of us out to this great little restaurant. The food is really hard to explain, but it was mostly delicious flat, flakey breads with green onion, salt, and beef all wrapped up into a burrito [sort of]. Took a 2 hour nap with the full stomach... and woke up just in time to head to Club 7-11 for Sam's birthday... had two heinekins and headed home for some R&R... when did I turn into such an old lady! A good time was had by all.
Today we spent the entire day in Tainan at NCKU for a design workshop. We were divided into groups and given a topic to design for in the next 48 hours. My group is focusing on service design [any product that is extended to do something else, ie. product customization or giving profits to support charities.. etc]. A couple of brainstorming hours later, we decided on a subbranded, customizable cosmetic website where women can log on, and prepare their own personalized shades/tones of make-up [foundation, eye shadow, lip gloss...] The genius behind the subbranding, is that the online make-up will be the same quality as the parent brand [mac, bobbie brown, clinique] so consumers will already know and trust the make-up. The website will also contain tips and tricks for people that need help, a wish list section much like amazon, a customizable compact and a bunch of other fun features... I'm pretty happy with the work that we got done, the day went by so quickly!
Tomorrow, we've got to design the website interface, make-up kit + put it all together into a power point and poster + present everything by 6pm. It's going to be crazy, but fun no less!
Now its 11pm, and I need to do as many sketches, for Monday's studio, as I can before I fall asleep... long night!
Please pray for my Aunt Missy.