
Friday, May 8, 2009

First Day in Kaohsiung.

This is the view as we were landing in Hong Kong, after an
incredible 14 hour flight! The flight itself was funny, I would finally fall asleep, wake up in hopes that a majority time frame had surpassed, only to find out only another 1.5 hours had gone by. We no sooner arrived in Kaohsiung, set our bags down in the hotel and headed out into the city. 8 hours later, I'm two shades tanner, my feet are in pain and I've seen a whole lot of Kaohsiung!

Everyone is just very tired, we haven't slept for over 48 hours its so crazy! Tin Man's (my teacher) family is very kind and genuine, they bought our lunch, as well as dinner. The dinner was this incredible pass around traditional Chinese meal with a gigantic lazy-susan in the middle. No kidding, there must have been 9 or 10 dishes the waiters kept bringing out. I tried abalone which was great (barnacle shell fish) and even the tiniest bite of SEA CUCUMBER (which is definitely not a vegetable of the sea). I had jellyfish too, which had a fun pickled taste.

I'm having a good time, its just tough without much sleep to go off of, and we're definitely in a bit of limbo until we get into school and such. The first thing I saw as we landed this morning was thousands of shipping containers, because the Southern part of the island is an enormous Port. Later in the day, we went to the coast, and in any given direction you could see atleast 11 shipping barges on the horizon, it's incredible!

Here are some pictures from the excursion...

Our jumbo jet.

The group ready to take off!

My first authentic Taiwanese Lunch.
-fried pork w. pepper salt
- sweet carrots
- hallow vegetable (literal translation)
- rice

Over looking the southwestern coast.

On top of the Cliff overlooking the Coast at the British Consulate.

Halfway around the world, and I see what resembles my sweet puppy, Rori. His name was Yok.

It is fairly challenging to find an actual trash can around here I have noticed a strong drive for recycling, real sorted recycling, even in the dorms at Shu-Te. These were some awesome graphics I found on some cans in the subway area.

A great view of the city from the other side of the British Consulate.

To be continued....

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