
Monday, May 25, 2009

Ancient Chinese Secret...

Today we had our first pottery class, again it brought back so many memories of high school ceramics. I made a small bowl and added a design to the inside. I think it turned out pretty neat! It will dry and be fired by next week, so maybe next Monday we'll be glazing [adding color]. I would add a picture, but I dont want to ruin any surprise gifts!

After lunch was studio, somewhat unproductive because it's pretty chaotic with 50+ people in such a small room. We had group discussion, trying to figure out our focus for the project [creating a
stationary recreational product for outdoor activity]. We have decided to focus on making Tai Chi [a type of Chinese Martial Art form/meditation/physical excercise] for everyone young, old, disabled, experienced or unexperienced. From there its pretty hard to explain, but lets just say there will be stations within a park atmosphere where people can practice the art of Tai Chi based on their category mentioned above--- in a nut shell.

So the real highlight of today was trying the ancient Chinese art of "cupping." Don't worry, it looks a whole lot worse than it actually was. I decided to do this because I have gotten 3 migraines since I have been here, on account of sweating so much, heat and being dehydrated. My taiwanese professor Frank suggested that I go to a clinic and try it out because it improves circulation in your muscles and is known to help with migraines. It didn't hurt at all + lasted about 6 minutes. After the procedure, it leaves pretty hefty welts... like gigantic hickies! haha. I had my neck and shoulders massaged .. It feels great and only cost $6/US. I plan on going back for another slightly more intense treatment with a few more cups!

This is what they looked like immediately after the suction.

This is what they look like now. [The darker they get, the worse your problem.] But since it was my first time, they only let me have two and only kept them on for a small time. Imagine what full force would look like... probably black? lol

Ps. I made the Dean's list this past semester! woot!


  1. Lauren,
    I was wondering what those things were on the back of your neck. Does it just put pressure (suction) on your muscles? If it works give it a shot, but the marks it leaves aren't too attractive. Hopefully they will go away soon. Your haircut is cute too! Happy Memorial Day! Is it a holiday in China? or are you in class? I'm so proud of you making the Dean's List again!!! Love Ya, MOM

  2. Your Mom made Baby Back Rib today............They were great. I also went golfing with your uncles Bob and Paul. Paul shot an 85 & Bob shot a 104. I got lucky and hit the seventies for the 6 time this year with a 5 over par 77. Not bad for an the old man!

    Love Dad & Mom

  3. Look at those hickies!!!! haha :) Congrats on the Deans list! (just like the other millers above i'm proud of ya! )
    miss ya baberssss

  4. Hope this message finds you safe and well. WOW! What an experience your having. Take every opportunity to see as much as you can. Who knows when you'll get back to the Asin Rim. What, if anything, are you hearing on the political side of things back here in the States? I'm assuming that someone is interperting for you. Aunt Sue tells me your in Tiwan now. Have you had any challenges going from one country to another? Congrats on the Dean's List. I just don't know how you do it all. Best of Luck and Safe Travel. Uncle Paul
