
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

leaving on a jet plane....

Well, Today is the day. However, I'll actually be in Taiwan on Friday morning... weird huh? The time difference is exactly 12 hours from the East Coast, so yeah... pretty much on the complete opposite side of the world!

I've never been on a plane bigger than 6 seats across, nor have I ever seen the Pacific Ocean before. I'm going to do and see so many new and different things on this trip... so stay tuned!


  1. Lauren! I'm so glad you are going to Taiwan! I wish I was going back this summer. It's going to be a blast, and tinman is awesome and so is frank the other teacher at shu-te. Just be ready for some awful smells, its kinda stinky over there, ha ha

  2. HAVE A GREAT FLIGHT! I'll miss you, but you're going to have a BLAST! No lie, I'm a little jealous. Eat some noodles for me! - Sra!
