Meanwhile, in boredom, I scored these sweet glasses from a group-mate and saw it as a good photo-op...
During studio was the Product Design Department's final show. They displayed metal, jewelry, ceramics + glass projects, which were all very impressive. These students are very skilled individuals. The project in this picture is handmade by my friend No-no. The theme is obviously fruit, and is entirely made from metal. I think the apple core tea cup and saucer is the cutest idea!
International Day was held later, recognizing the cultures of Taiwanese Aboriginals, Malaysians, Indonesians, Thai, Vietnamese and Americans [of course]. Each country gave a performance unique to their country of origin. Luckily for us Auburn students, Lindsay has an awesome voice and James can play the guitar. They performed "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.
This group replicated a traditional Taiwanese Aboriginal dance, very cool.
After all of the performances, I got to taste some Aboriginal wine, a spicy Vietnamese dish + refreshing mango salad.
Put two of the hats together like that and it looks like Madonna's bra