I ended up making two pieces, both would be great for potting plants! I wasn't that horrible at it for a first-timer either! By the end of class I was happily covered in clay spatter!
Studio was somewhat stressful for everyone today; trying to pinpoint the perfect design to move forward with is never easy, but seeing that our time here is very limited [only 19 days to construct a final full scale model] I think everyone is feeling the crunch. After 5 hours of meticulously critiquing, brainstorming, sketching, all 60 of us called it a day! I'm beat.
Tomorrow we will begin building our full scale cardboard mock-up of our chosen concept, after 8 hours of glass and jewelry classes. Whew! Better get some rest!
Why do they have so few sunsets? Is it the smog or their position on the horizon? Just wondering. Geography isn't my strong subject so bare with me if this questions makes no sense. LOL