
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ostriches + Markets

Today we took bus trip to a Hakka Museum and made stops at several small markets along the way. One of the markets had outdoor pottery wheels, which I think is AWESOME. I didn't want to get messy, so I didn't try. There were also handmade traditional Taiwanese umbrellas and fans. They were all so beautiful! The handmade pottery was absolutely amazing, I would have bought some if it wasn't all so fragile!

Another market had 3 live ostriches that we walked right up to. A few people were feeding them popcorn and were pecked. haha. The pictures convey, fairly well, how strange of creatures they really are.

Joy Caught a fish, haha.
Recently, I have been writing numerous papers as a requirement for this trip. This blog, and all of my documentation, has helped me complete the reports for each of my 4 craft classes [glass, metal, painting + pottery], as well as a three page letter to the president of Shu-Te and even a report on Taiwan culture. There is still much much more to be written, but I'm trying to manage my time wisely here, so that I can enjoy more of my free time back home :) Free time, gosh, that sounds so great right now!

Yesterday, I started work on our final model in the wood shop with one of my group members, Dawn. We were a pretty good team! We managed to get quite a bit done in only a small amount of time. Unfortunately around noon, one of the Taiwanese students cut herself on the joiner and shop was closed down for the rest of the day. It is important that I do as much work as I can on this project all day on Monday, because Tuesday + Wednesday I will be interning in Tainan at a design firm called NDD [a requirement for another class I am taking]. Keeping in mind that our model is due Friday morning, it is not the best timing, but everything will pan out.

Tonight I began the packing process because we have to switch dorm rooms this week [the dorms are shutting down + we will be the only people on campus, as our program runs an extra week longer] So all auburn students are consolidating onto the same floor for security reasons.

9 days left. I'm sure the next week will just fly by with all of the work there is to do.

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